Does your health elevate your joy?

If not a resounding yes, together we can fuel the spark that reignites you!

Does your health elevate your joy?

If not a resounding yes, together we can fuel the spark that reignites you!

Have you let go of the dreams you had of a beautiful life? Have they been drowned out by the daily grind?

If you love your body, you can live from a place of power.

We need to FEEL our best to BE our best.

We all want to do great things in our lives. When we nurture our health, we fuel the joy and passion that lies within.

You are the master of your body. Your body, with all of its stored memories and beliefs, can quite literally run your life… if you let it. The relationship between your mind and body can be a loving, symbiotic relationship when YOU are the one in charge.

I am Susan Patterson and I help people love and nurture their bodies so they can use that newfound energy to reach for and achieve their goals and ultimately their dreams.

Susan Patterson, Reigniting Joy with Isagenix

Upcoming Events

  • Isagenix Live Your Best Life

    Live Your Best Life

    Every Saturday 10:15am – 10:45am

    Learn how you can achieve sustainable health and life transformation

  • Isagenix Sip and Sample

    Sip and Sample Party

    Occasional pleasant evenings

    Come mingle with others who want to take control of their health and their lives, while sampling a few products

  • Isagenix Celebration

    Isagenix Celebration

    July 13-16, 2023

    Our annual flagship event for those who want to get inspired. Your future is in your hands and this conference will truly empower you!


Every day counts! Don’t spend it weighed down and longing for something more.

You have it all inside just waiting to be Reignited!